Thursday, February 28, 2008

E-mail to Reader's Digest - 2/3/2004

Dear Jennette Lau,
I registered my letter on 19/2/2004。 I I wonder if you have rec it or not. I wrote you letter the next day after that, but the letter returned saying that there is no such address.

Madam XXX
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 8:53AM
subject: photo

Dear Madam XXXX,
Really sorry to learn that the letter has been returned to you - I checked the address I emailed you again, and found it is all correct. So, it sounds really weired. Anyway, as we are about to send the materials to the printer and I don't think I can get hold of the photoes from you in such a short time. I gather we will use other means to make things up(maybe use illustrations instead). Anyway, we appreciate your knindness shown to us in the process all the same, and would send a couple of cmplimentary copies to you when the magazin is released.
Thabk you very much and best regards,

Tue, 2 Mar 2004 10:36AM
subject: photo

Dear Madam XXXX,
Just half an hour after I sent the email to you, I got your letter as well as the photoes! So, we would be able to use them in our April issue. Thank you very much!

Tue, 2 Mar 2004 11:08:43
subject: I've got it!

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